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Thursday, May 14, 2009
new life:)

Starting a new life now!:)
New Begining to a whole new level!
Taking things slow..
But still missing my secondary school friends!
you people will be missed!
anything just text mi k peeps!
i will be using less computer now as i will be studying immersely!
i have to achieved my goals!
love you all peeps!:)

yours truly;

Sunday, February 15, 2009

hello people! anis here. helping this friend of mine to update her blog. i guess she's just too busy with work till she has no time to update it. and its been so long since i last met her. but we'll be meeting soon this friday! yeay. (: okay, shall stop here. a few sentence would be enough. at least it doesnt look dead. haha. tataaa!

and this is a beautiful picture of her. hahaha!

ps; she wont know till she logs in. and i'll surely get a scolding from her. hehe

yours truly;

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Outing with girlfriends are best.
i love them. =))
more outings pleassssseeeeee..

yours truly;

Friday, January 30, 2009









yours truly;

Monday, January 26, 2009

Been having this uneasy feelings in me.I don't know if its a good thing but its more of a bad thing i supposed.Had been thinking bot lots of stuffs and it really hurts seeing the relationship that was long lasting fading away!I don't know but actions speak louder than words.I mean at the end of the day everyone is going to a different directions!I have my hopes but not high cause i don't want to be so disappointed!I mean the feelings just pass by without any particular reasons but the feelings just grew stronger!Its sad seeing how things are!As much as i want to salvage the situation i feel that i should just let nature takes its course!No point making the move all the time cause one day i will be too tired to even make the effort.Trying my best not to give up and still trying very hard to hang on but it kind of seem impossible somehow!Should i or should i not let it go?I still think that i should let fate decide!I really felt exhausted thinking about all these!I want a break!Seriously!!!

I've got to move on and be who i am!
I just don't belong here!
I hope you understand!

yours truly;

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
new moon!:)

Ytd badminton with galfrens!It was fun i must say!It was also cramp!Timimg was just not on our site!Had to rush but still late for work!Btw THANKS to nisha for you know what!It was really much appreciated!Felt bad doing so!It was so last min!Imah you too!For rushing you also!Hope u gals were fined with it!Someday k i will amend for it!

Work was not easy i must say!Its tiring and KILLERS!Felt like quiting but its not that bad!I mean sales were much better than stock taking!Thanks far for helping mi climb those STUPID ladder which i really DETEST!But eventually i learnt how to climb the STUPID ladder!It was not that bad though!It just takes some skills!Also met some people there and they were cool!
1)Florence the flower!
2)Ifah the fly!
3)Shiling the chopsticks!
4)Wati the innocent!
5)Aminah & farhanah the laughter queens!
These people were damn good!They guide us patiently!Thanks to them!Seriously man i only want to do sales!I hate stock staking!Hope things will go smoothly!

Apparently one of my galfren was changing her life by becoming a vegetarian!LOLs to her!She wanna lose weight!Hahax..She will only be eating FISH meat!Hahax..Then a group of us had a bet on it!The min she will go is 3 days the max is 1 month!We will see how long it will last!I mean its not easy being a VEGETARIAN!If its a decision make on an impulse then its definitely not going to last!But after careful planning and thinking and schedule are planned out i think it may last!Overall i wish this friend of mine ALL THE BEST!It takes a lot of DETERMINATION to do this kind of thing!I'm not discouraging you but telling you the reality of it!Whatever it is Follow Your Heart and you will never go wrong!

Hey i really miss hanging out with you gals!We will go out real soon yah!Its like time is not on our side now so we have to go out less often!But still our Botanic date is still on!Must start planning now!Hang Out Soon Yah Galfrens!

Now been busy with work lately!But still trying to fit my schedule so that i can hang out with galfrens soon!I should really hang out with JENNY!Your present is still with me!Miss you lots!Will catch up real soon with you!Just hang on yah!Atiqah i also miss u man!That time it was only a short meeting!Hai..Really miss your laughter!Meet up soon yeah!Reading NEW MOON currently!Thanks nisha for lending me the book.

I really wish that time will pass by slowly.I really dread the future!I don't know!As much as i want to move on i still want to hang on!I'm feeling scared at the same time!Why am i feeling this way?Even i'm unsure about it!Will everything be lost?I'm still trying my best to make it last till eternity!Just wondering if things will go the way i want it to be?I'm LOST in a world of my own!Still trying my best to figure things out!

yours truly;

Sunday, January 18, 2009
outing with galfrens was cool:)

Thanks to Nishanthi & Farhanah!To nishanthi thanks for the friendship band!It was really cool.To farhanah thanks for the ice-cream treat.It was really nice!Great having galfrens like you gals!I enjoy myself to the max with u gals!And thanks yah for picturing mi in those long dreses w/o hair!Very funny!!So funny!And Thanks for laughing when i'm Angry!It was so funny!Lols hah! I'M ANGRY WITH GALS!Seriously!
Must really say that this two galfrens of mine took advantage of me in town!Its too much!I must stand up for my rights!No more BOTAK!Overall must thanks u gals for making my day so fun!!Love you gals lots!!To imah & anis will be looking forward to hang out with u gals too!!Next time yah!There will always be a next time!:)

Xia Lans Gathering:
Well on the 12/01/2009 the xia lans met up!Only ming wei,hung ann,ronald,nishanthi,farhanah,atiqah,halimah & nadia turn up!It was great spending time with each other after a long time!Dinner at KFC was much of a ridiculous place to have the reunion!But still we had lots of fun chatting like usual!mISS everyone so much!The reunion was much of help to cheer up!I must thank this Xia Lans Group of mine for their thoughtfull thoughts!They cheer me up when i really needed it!Thanks a lot guys!

Thanks to Darren Ang,Er Yang,Ming Guan and the rest that motivate mi!Sorry if your name was not mention!Thanks for the motivation!Especially to Er yang it was pleasant coming from you-my seating patner!I will never forget you guys!I will cherish the moments i spend with you guys!

yours truly;